

Noelene Guglielmo
20 Mar 2019

I just love the Baby Care Hair & Body Shampoo. It is fabulous not only for my grandchildren (no more tears) but also for myself and even my fur baby. The first time I used it was just to try so I could tell people what is was like. I have very sensitive eyes and I tested it to see if it really was tear proof - and it is. Yay! At that time I only used it once and found it to be good on my hair even without conditioner. I went back to using my normal shampoo but when I ran out, I decided to use Baby Care again and this time I found that on the second use I used less of the shampoo and I got an extra day before having to wash my hair again. Bonus yay! If you are going to try for yourself give it a couple of washes before you decide as I believe the first wash strips away all the nasty residue from your previous shampoo and the second wash leaves your hair feeling amazing. I also use this on my dog as she has very sensitive skin. Her rashes have now disappeared and her fur is so soft. I do water it down a bit with Castille soap as she is a big dog (German Shephard). As I said I just LOVE it and it is for all the family, humans and animals lol

Faye McCormick
20 Mar 2019

My daughter is 25 and has suffered with psoriasis since she was a baby. As she gets older it comes and goes depending on the season's. But she has never been able to shift it from her head. As she has got older her hair/head seems to have got worse. She is unable to use shop shampoos as when she does it feels like acid on her head. After which it burners and itches. I asked her to try our NEW Baby Care Hair and Body Shampoo. And she was so surprised that it did not burn during or after washing her hair. Her hair is soft and healthy looking. She is very happy and surprised it works so well. Thank you Le Reve

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